More about Canice Consulting

Canice Consulting Limited is an outward looking company that specialises in vocational training and innovation support for regional development initiatives, especially in relationship to digital innovation and digital pedagogy.

Today the company operates from its headquarters in the UK and brings together a core staff of four and a network of six associates with specialist knowledge in the fields of digital pedagogy, digital collaboration, entrepreneurship education, collective impact and more.  We have a proven track record in project management, quality management and evaluation, and increasingly, digital marketing and communications, which enables us to configure the perfect set of skills and resources to meet each client’s needs.

Canice Consulting has over 20 years experience in the development of innovative strategies for encouraging innovation in teaching and in particular the development of interactive, learner-led educational resources.

Staff have conceived, managed, participated and evaluated many Life Long Learning and ERASMUS+ projects. Our approaches to education and its relationship to the wider economic and social development agenda reflect this experience, providing a cumulative process of insight, learning, and creativity to solve new challenges.


MCM Project